Helpful Links
Beeman Elementary School
Beeman Elementary School 453-2331
Mt. Abraham Union High School 453-2333
Superintendent's Office 453-3657
Mt. Abraham Union High School 453-2333
Superintendent's Office 453-3657
New Haven Community Library
Ruth Shattuck-Bunstein: 453-4015
Addison County Regional Planning Commission
Amended Depot Roof RFP
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan RFP
Addison County Triangle Bike Loop Study
Vergennes PELStudy Survey Release New Haven
ARPA Funding suggestions
Maple Broad Band
National Weather Service
Vermont 2-1-1
511 Vermont Agency of Transportation
Vermont League of Cities and Towns
State Government
U.S. Postal Service
New Haven Post Office: 453-2752
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 11:30 am / 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Saturday: 7:30 am - 11:00 am