Please see the following items:
- Road Access Permit (if you're putting in a driveway from your land to a town road)
The Highway Department normally works out of the Town Garage from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Town Garage is located at 1839 Main Street.
For road emergencies or to report a problem, call Road Commissioner, Bruce Many at (802) 349 - 4326 or Road Foreman, Eric Boise at (802) 453-3397.
Road Access Permits are required prior to constructing a driveway.
Overweight Permits are required each year; applications need to be submitted before March 31. You can download the form if you need one.
In addition to maintaining nearly 50 miles of town roads, New Haven promotes the use of the following transportation options:
Tri-Valley Transit Resources, our local bus provider and coordinator of Dial-a-Ride services
Go! Vermont, a resource for carpooling, vanpooling, and other public transportation options
A 20-space park-and-ride lot located behind the Town Office at 78 North Street
Electric vehicle charging, also located behind the Town Office.
Please see the following items: